Student Resources
Catalyst Kids
TUSD elementary and middle schools. The contracted partner providers are Catalyst Kids and YMCA. Based on grant funding per site, certain grade levels are served and either all students or qualified students at that site are eligible for free programming. Students qualify for ASES by attending school at an ASES site, and students can qualify for ELO-P programming based on family income, foster child, or designated English Learner.
TUSD Expanded Learning is open every day school is in session from school dismissal until 6:00 PM plus an additional 30 full intersession days from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM during the school year and summer. Participation is available to students enrolled and attending during the school day and is subject to program capacity. Students are served a nutritious snack that conforms to state and district nutritional standards. Program instructors collaborate with principals and classroom teachers to support student homework and academic enrichment. District-aligned educational and enrichment activities & clubs are also provided along with daily structured recreational activities.
Enrollment forms are available in each school office, or you can click HERE for more information including a list of program sites with contact information, a program calendar, and enrollment forms and links.
Homework & Study Help
- HippoCampus: Online homework & study help
- Khan Academy: Learn almost anything for free
- PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, earth science and math simulations
CCR - College Career Readiness
College Career Readiness / CCR Period
All students will be engaged in a FLEX Tutorial period during their academic week. During this 30 minute period, students will have the opportunity for tutorial, free choice reading, or study time; during weekly Advisory periods, students will engage in digital citizenship and/or SEL lessons. Students may be required to attend tutorial sessions while others may choose to attend free choice reading or study center offered by their teachers. Tutorial sessions offer targeted intervention activities for specific students. A crucial component to the FLEX period is the student’s daily use of the binder reminder. A binder reminder will be issued to each student during registration. Students who lose their binder reminder must purchase a new binder reminder for $5 at the library. Students are required to possess their binder reminder daily and must not tarnish them by removing, folding, cutting, or altering the binder reminder in any way possible.
Student Handbook/Binder Reminder
Please review the 2022-23 Falcon Student Handbook/Binder Reminder for school contact information, school-wide systems, academics, attendance guidelines, and school policies and procedures.