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All Utt students and families are invited to our upcoming concerts and music events! 

Please put these dates in your calendar and come support our young musicians! More information about each event will be given as we approach each concert date.

¡Por favor, anoten estos eventos en su calendario y vengan a apoyar a nuestros músicos jóvenes! Se dará más información acerca de cada evento al acercarse la fecha.

Utt Falcon Choir performing the national anthem at the Tustin Eastern Little League opening game
Orchestra and choir students performing in the spring concert


Music program Important Event dates.

Wed, Sep-27 Choir Night at Angel Stadium (Choir) @ 6:38pm

Fri, Oct-27 Tustin High Football Game @THS (Adv Band ONLY) @ 7pm

Wed, Dec-13 Winter Concert @ Utt (All Groups) 6:00-7:00pm

Thur, Feb-29 THS Area Concert @ THS (Beg and Adv Orch 6:00pm)(Adv Band 7:30pm)

Wed, Mar-13 SCSBOA Festival @ Beckman (Beg and Adv Orch and Adv Band) time TBD

Wed May-15 EoY Concert & Music Awards @ Utt (All Groups) @ 6pm