Policies & Procedures
- Attendance Guidelines
- Book Replacement Policy
- Bullying Policy
- Cell Phone Policy
- Dress Code Policy
- Drug and Alcohol Violations
- iPad and Device Policy
- Special Deliveries & Campus Visitors
- Statement of Non-Discrimination (Declaración de no Discriminación)
- Student Expectations
- Student Fees
- Unacceptable Behavior
- TUSD Wellness Policy
Attendance Guidelines
Regular attendance is essential to your student's success in school. The California Education Code, Section 48200, makes full time education compulsory for children from ages six to sixteen. It is the legal responsibility of parents/guardians to see their school-aged children attend school every day, unless they have a valid excuse. Family trips during the school year are strongly discouraged. Each day that a student misses instruction negatively impacts his/her learning. Please plan trips during the school breaks only.
School Day
The school day begins at 8:15 AM and ends at 2:45 PM except Late Start Wednesday, which starts at 9:25 AM and ends at 2:45 PM. Students must be in their classrooms by 8:15 AM and will be considered tardy if they arrive after that time. Students are requested to arrive on campus no earlier than 8:00 AM and stay no later than 2:45 PM.
Early Dismissal/Release Procedures
If a student needs to leave school early for any reason, a parent/guardian must come to the office and sign the student out. Students will be dismissed from their classroom and released once the parent/guardian has arrived and signed out the students. To protect all students, students may only be released to people that have been listed on their AERIES contact.
Procedure After Absence
When your child is absent, you need to notify the school office regarding the reason for the absence at our absence page. A note, phone call, or office visit from the parent/guardian listing the date and reason for the absence are also acceptable ways to have your student’s absence cleared. Absences should be cleared within 3-5 days upon return to school. Phone call reminders will go home every day until an absence is cleared through the office and/or website. Please note that all uncleared absences will default to a cut/truancy within a week of the absence. It is imperative that parent(s)/guardian(s) check AERIES attendance for any errors.
Excused/Unexcused Absences
State law dictates the difference between an Excused Absence and an Unexcused Absence. Excused Absences include: student's illness, doctor's appointments, family bereavement, and religious holidays. Unexcused Absences include situations not listed above such as vacation, oversleeping, car trouble, and parent illness. Students who do not contact the office regarding their absence will be marked unexcused. Students with a poor attendance record will be referred to the School Attendance Review Board. Students who are not in attendance for one or more periods will receive a phone call home.
*Students with excessive absences/tardies will be required to attend a Student Attendance Review Team conference and be placed on an Attendance Contract.
Students are considered tardy when they are not in their seats when the bell rings. Random tardy sweeps will occur throughout the year. During a tardy sweep, teachers will lock their doors when the tardy bell rings, students will report to a Staff member and will be assigned a lunch or after school detention. Students arriving 10 minutes after the morning tardy bell must report to the office for a tardy slip prior to reporting to class. Consequences for tardies are as follows:
- Three tardies in a week to any class will result in a one-hour detention.
- Ten tardies in a month will result in a 2-hour block detention.
- During tardy sweeps, students will automatically be assigned a lunch or after school detention.
Book Replacement Policy
Welcome to the Library Media Center (LMC) at C. E. Utt Middle School. The mission of the TUSD libraries is to provide materials in various formats that promote effective use of information and create a lifelong love of learning and reading. Your student will be assigned a set of textbooks for classes in which they are enrolled. He or she also has the opportunity to check out library books and conduct research in the LMC.
Students are responsible for keeping library and textbooks in good condition and returning them when they are due. Textbooks are due at the end of the semester or school year depending on the class. Library books must be returned within 2 weeks of the date they were checked out. Students may renew their book for a further two weeks if it is brought to the library for renewal.
All textbooks and library books are the property of TUSD and a student ID card is required for all checkouts. Books returned damaged are subject to the fines listed below. Students who fail to return books or pay fines may be restricted from school activates or may be unable to register for fall semester in accordance with TUSD Board Policy #5125.4.
Fines for Repairable Damage
Damage beyond normal use and/or missing bar code .........................................................................................................................................$5.00
(This includes but is not limited to torn pages, defaced pages, bent covers, and damaged spine.)
Damage to front and/or back cover that requires rebinding ........................................................................................................................ $15.00
Fines for Non-Repairable Damage
Damage rendering the book unusable .........................................................................................................................................List Price + 7.75% tax
(This includes but is not limited to lost book, torn/missing pages, and water damage.)
For an up to date price list of textbooks, please visit the TUSD website at https://www.tustin.k12.ca.us.
If a book is found after a payment has been made, your fine will be refunded providing it has been no longer than 365 days and the book is in good condition.
TUSD Acceptable Use Policy
All students receive the Library Media Center Use and Conduct Policy in their registration packet. This policy must be signed and agreed to by all students. The C.E. Utt Middle School administration reserves the right to revoke these privileges at any time.
For Book Replacement Policy in Spanish, please view Bibliotecas del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Tustin.
Bullying Policy
Tustin Unified School District Board Policy (5131.2) prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying.
An aggressive behavior that is intentional repeated over time and involves an imbalance of power or strength. Bullying can take many forms (both direct and indirect), such as hitting or punching, teasing or name-calling, intimidation through gestures, social exclusion and sending or posting insulting messages or pictures by cell phone or online.
Cyber Bullying
The use of Modern Communication Technologies (including but not limited to e-mail, text messaging, instant messaging, chat rooms, blogs, websites, social networking sites, cell phones, tablets, computers and other forms of technology) to intentionally embarrass, humiliate, threaten or intimidate an individual or group in an attempt to gain power or control.
How You Should Respond to Bullying Behavior
- Report any instances of suspected bullying involving you or a fellow student to a teacher, counselor or school administrator as soon as possible.
- If you witness bullying behavior, intervene (if it is safe to do so) or help to stop the behavior as soon as it occurs. Peer-to-peer early intervention is proven to be effective in reducing bullying.
- Students should not listen to rumors, should not engage in rumors, and should not listen to or say anything mean to or about anyone. This is a form of bullying (“relational”). Bullying is not tolerated at C.E. Utt Middle School.
Dr. Olweus "Test" for Bullying Behavior
- Specific type of aggression: a) verbal, b) physical, c) psychological
- Behavior is intended to harm or disturb
- Carried out repeatedly and over time
- Imbalance of power: a) physical, b) psychological
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones are not to be used at any time while on campus (inside the gates) before or after school. Cell phones should be turned off and placed in backpacks. Please be mindful of this policy when communicating with your student via cell phone.
The school/district will not be responsible for the loss or theft of a cell phone.
Consequences for violating the cell phone policies are as follows:
- First Offense: Verbal warning by teacher, violation will be noted in Interventions.
- Second Offense: Verbal warning by teacher, violation will be entered in discipline record; phone may be confiscated, conference with the Assistant Principal; parent notification; and detention assigned.
- Third Offense: Phone will be confiscated, violation will be entered in discipline record, parent notification, and after school detention assigned.
- Fourth Offense: Phone will be confiscated, violation will be entered in discipline record, parent notification, and one day of ATS.
*NOTE: Individual teachers may allow cell phone/electronic device use in their classroom for related study or research. If a student violates the teacher’s specific instruction about use, consequences will be assigned.
**smart watches are pursuant to the same consequences as cell phones (data must be turned off during the school day). Absolutely NO texting/social media use/video-taping via smart devices is allowed on campus.
Dress Code Policy
Tustin Unified School District has determined policy and appropriate standards for student dress.
Student Dress Codes are established to:
- Promote learning
- Promote a productive safe instructional environment
- Demonstrate a positive direction away from gangs, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco
- Promote proper school etiquette, cultural awareness, and respect gender
The dress code is in effect during school hours, at extracurricular activities, with possible exceptions for special school related events. Utt and the dress code committee will constantly review changes in the attire and make the appropriate adjustments throughout the year. In the case of no available loaners, parents may be called to bring a change of clothes or to take their child home to change clothes.
Violations of the school dress code will be addressed as follows:
- First Offense: Warning, change into loaner clothes, inappropriate clothes will be confiscated and returned to the student after school.
- Second Offense: Detention, change into loaner clothes, inappropriate clothes will be confiscated and returned to the student.
- Third/Fourth Offense: Detention, change into loaner clothes, inappropriate clothes will be confiscated and returned to the parent; parents will be informed of ramifications of the fourth offense.
- Fifth Offense: Above, plus proper placement on the Utt Behavior Contract.
A student’s dress and general appearance should not draw undue attention, nor detract from or interfere with learning in the classroom or the discipline in the school.
To eliminate misunderstandings in the dress code regulations, the following dress standard will be enforced:
All clothing must fit appropriately.
General Dress Code Guidelines
Muscle shirts, excessively ripped or loose clothing, bandeaus, bare midriffs revealing excessive skin, or tops that are strapless, see through, off the shoulder, backless (including halter tops), or having plunging necklines are not permissible. All tops must have one inch shoulder straps.
Hats and hoodies are allowed in common areas ONLY and must be removed in the classroom unless explicit teacher permission is given.
Shorts, skirts and dresses must be a suitable length. We do not prescribe to the “fingertip test” as a general rule. However, shorts must be school appropriate. Any clothing considered inappropriate will not be permitted.
Sleepwear (pajamas, slippers) is not permitted.
Blankets cannot be used to walk about school during school hours. Jackets, sweaters or sweatshirts should be used to keep students warm.
Dog collars, spikes, heavy chains, and dog chains are not to be worn as jewelry, belts, or wallet extensions.
Shoes must be worn at all times. Open toed shoes are permitted unless deemed a safety concern (lab classes, PE, etc.).
Sagging pants are not permitted.
Undergarments must be covered.
Undergarments shall not replace straps.
Sunglasses may not be worn indoors.
No clothing or accessories that:
Contain messages that are sexually suggestive, promote violence/intolerance or potentially incite conflict.
Denote/advertise gang affiliation, cult affiliation, or any profane or racially offensive item.
Advertise or promote alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc.
Advertise gang affiliation (e.g., bandanas, doo rags, etc.).
PE clothing may only be worn during PE class.
Parent support encourages students to dress appropriately. What is considered appropriate attire may change as fashion trends change. Parents may call the school at any time for clarification prior to purchase of fad clothing for school attire.
Drug and Alcohol Violations
Students who possess, use, or are under the influence of any controlled substance (drug), alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind, or who possess or sell any drug paraphernalia (equipment used for the taking of drugs) may be suspended from 1-5 days and/or recommended for expulsion from the Tustin Unified School District. Students will be referred to an intervention program provided by the district. [E.C. 48900(c), 48915(a)]. Students who appear to be under the influence of alcohol are subject to a breathalyzer test.
iPad and Device Policy
All students are issued a device to be used for instructional purposes for the entire school year. Students are responsible for the device and parents/guardians may purchase insurance:
Students may use devices in classrooms or the library.
Only apps approved by TUSD should be loaded onto these devices. Games are not allowed to be played during school.
Consequences for violating the iPad/device policies:
First Offense: Verbal warning by teacher, violation will be noted in Interventions.
Second Offense: Parent notification; teacher detention assigned; violation will be noted in Interventions.
Third Offense: Parent notification; school detention assigned; violation will be noted in Interventions.
Fourth Offense: Referral to the Office and parent conference scheduled.
Fifth Offense: Student will have to check-in and check-out his/her device to the library daily and will not be allowed to take the device home for a specified amount of time. It will be up to the student and parent to work out a time for homework (needing a device) to be done in the library. Proper placement on the Utt Behavior Contract.
Special Deliveries & Campus Visitors
Special Deliveries - Including Technology (Updated 9/7/2023)
It is the responsibility for each student to remember all books, lunches, and assignments. Deliveries will not be accepted during the school day. Please be prepared the night before or morning of with all necessary school related items.
Non-Parent Deliveries – Deliveries to students from outside companies (such as food deliveries or flowers) will not be accepted in the office; delivery for these services will be refused.
Birthday Policies – Nutrition Service and School Wellness policies do not allow for birthday treats to be had on campus. Cookies, cakes, cupcakes, etc. must not come on to campus for student birthday celebrations. Balloons are also not allowed on the campus; they may remain in the front office if needed.
Campus Visitors
All visitors to Utt must first check in at the front office before entering the campus. After signing in, you will be given a visitor’s pass. Following the visit, visitors need to check out in the front office.
Statement of Non-Discrimination (Declaración de no Discriminación)
(Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973)
The Tustin Unified School District (Tustin USD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services. The District prohibits, in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity, unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying, based on actual or perceived race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, veteran or military status, medical condition, pregnancy and related conditions, retaliation, or political beliefs; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Your child has a right to a free public education, regardless of immigration status. The District will take steps to assure that the lack of English will not be a barrier to admission and participation in District programs. A copy of the District’s nondiscrimination policy is available from the Tustin Unified School District Office.
The following position is designated Coordinator for Nondiscrimination at C.E. Utt Middle School to handle complaints regarding discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, and to answer inquiries regarding the District’s nondiscrimination policies:
Heather Bojorquez
13601 Browning Ave, Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 730-7573
Any student who feels that he/she has been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying should immediately contact the Coordinator, the principal, or any other staff member. In addition, any student who observes any such incident should report the incident to the Coordinator or principal, whether or not the victim files a complaint.
Any school employee who observes an incident of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying or to whom such an incident is reported shall report the incident to the Coordinator or principal, whether or not the victim files a complaint.
(Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, Título IX de las Enmiendas de Educación de 1972, § 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973)
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Tustin (Tustin USD) se compromete a garantizar el acceso equitativo, justo y significativo a los servicios laborales y educativos. El Distrito prohíbe, en cualquier práctica de empleo, programa de educación o actividad educativa, discriminación ilegal, incluyendo acoso discriminatorio, intimidación y acoso escolar, basado en lo real o percibido de raza o etnicidad, color, ascendencia, nacionalidad, origen nacional, estatus migratorio, identificación de grupo étnico, edad, religión, estado civil o parental, discapacidad física o mental, sexo, orientación sexual, género, identidad de género, expresión de género, información genética, estado veterano o militar, condición médica, embarazo y afecciones relacionadas, represalias o creencias políticas; o asociación con una persona o grupo con uno o más de estas características actuales o percibidas. Su hijo(a) tiene derecho a recibir educación pública gratuita, independientemente del estatus migratorio. El Distrito tomará medidas para garantizar que la falta del idioma inglés no sea una barrera para la admisión y participación en los programas del Distrito. Una copia de la política de no discriminación del Distrito se encuentra disponible en la Oficina del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Tustin.
Se designa a la siguiente posición como Coordinador de No Discriminación en la [C.E. Utt Middle School] para encargarse de las quejas sobre discriminación, acoso, intimidación u hostigamiento y para responder las preguntas acerca de la política de no discriminación del Distrito:
Heather Bojorquez
13601 Browning Ave, Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 730-7573
Cualquier alumno(a) que sienta que ha sido objeto de discriminación, acoso, intimidación u hostigamiento debe comunicarse inmediatamente con el Coordinador, director o cualquier otro miembro del personal. Además, cualquier alumno(a) que observe algún incidente de este tipo debe reportarlo al Coordinador o director, incluso si la víctima no presenta una queja.
Cualquier empleado(a) escolar que observe un incidente de discriminación, acoso, intimidación u hostigamiento, o la persona a la que se le informó de un incidente de este tipo debe reportarlo al Coordinador o director, incluso si la víctima no presenta una queja.
Student Expectations
Utt Rules (Code of Conduct)
- Be responsible for your own behavior, actions, and choices.
- Respect the rights and belongings of others.
- Hands off – no fighting, hitting, pushing, grabbing, kicking, or display of affection (hugging, holding hands, etc.).
- To ensure the safety of all students there will be no running, no bikes, no skateboards, or scooters on campus.
- There is no gum chewing, spitting, or eating in class.
- Dress for academic success – refer to our dress code guidelines.
Academic Honesty Policy
We believe that a sound educational program must insist upon academic honesty. In the classroom we strive to develop a respect for the dignity of the group and the individual. We encourage self-confidence and personal integrity by insisting on the importance of doing one’s own work and establishing consequences for using another person’s ideas and words as one’s own. Therefore, cheating on tests, fabrication, unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism, forgery, and computer tampering will not be permitted. Those in violation are subject to disciplinary action.
Substitute Expectations
Understand that substitute teachers hold an equal amount of authority as your teacher. You must follow all rules that apply when your teacher is in the classroom. Do not take advantage of your substitute by asking for privileges that do not usually apply.
Student Fees
Please visit the TUSD Student Fees Page and view the PDF documents explaining permissible school fees, fundraising, and donations in English and Spanish.
Unacceptable Behavior
Students are subject to interventions and school consequences for misbehavior. Consequences may include, but is not limited to counseling, conference with teachers and administrators, revocation of privileges, detention, class suspension, on campus suspension, Alternative to Suspension (ATS), suspension from school, and/or recommendation for expulsion. The consequences include but are not limited to:
Revocation of Privileges: Privileges include athletic and extracurricular activities, assemblies, dances, and participation in the Teacher’s Aide program.
Detention: Detention is one step in a progressive discipline program and must be served at the next opportunity after it is assigned. Detention takes place either on Tuesdays from 2:45-3:45 PM or on Late Start Wednesdays from 8:00 -9:00 AM. Students who do not attend detention are at risk of having privileges revoked.
On-Campus Suspension (OCS): Students are assigned OCS for disciplinary reasons up to two (2) days per incident.
Class Suspension: Classroom teachers have the authority to issue a class suspension. “As soon as possible, the teacher shall ask the parent or guardian to attend a parent/ teacher conference regarding the suspension, whenever practicable, a school counselor or a school psychologist shall attend the conference, a school administrator shall attend the conference if the teacher or parent or guardian so requests.” [EC 48910(a)]
Alternative to Suspension (ATS): The removal of a student from school for a period of time to a District operated classroom for students who violate Education Code §48900. The students are under the supervision of credentialed teachers and counselors who will present a program that offers a proactive approach to instilling the skills, habits and behaviors necessary to be successful in school and life. Students who successfully complete the program will not reflect a suspension from school on their attendance record.
Suspension: The removal of a student from school for a period of time determined by the administration. During the time the student is suspended from school he/she is not allowed to be on any school campus or participate in any school activity.
Expulsion: If expelled, a student may not attend any school in the Tustin Unified School District up to one calendar year, as determined by the Board of Education.
The Tustin Unified School District is dedicated to providing an educational program for all students that is safe, secure, and free from violence. Every student needs to attend school punctually and regularly, conform to the regulations of the school, and obey all the directions of the teacher and others in authority. Students who do not exercise the required self-control shall be subject to intervention and/or disciplinary action. The district encourages and solicits the cooperation of parents in regulating the conduct of their student. The following behaviors are unacceptable on school grounds, in the community during the coming to or going from school, during the lunch period on or off campus, or any school-related activities.
Students may be suspended and/or expelled for any or all of the following:
EC 48900 (a)(1): Causing, attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical injury to another person
EC 48900 (b):Possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object unless, in the case of possession of any object of this type, the pupil has obtained from a certificated school employee written permission to possess the item, which is concurred in writing by the principal/designee
EC 48900 (c): Unlawfully possessing, using, selling, or otherwise furnishing, or is under the influence of any controlled substance, and alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind
48900 (d): Unlawfully offering, arranging, or negotiating to sell any controlled substance, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind, and then either selling, delivering, or otherwise furnishing to any person another liquid, substance or material and representing the liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant
EC 48900 (e): Committing or attempting to commit robbery or extortion
EC 48900 (f): Causing or attempting to cause damage to school property or private property
EC 48900 (g): Stealing or attempting to steal school or private property
EC 48900 (h): Possessing or using tobacco, or any products containing tobacco or nicotine products, including, but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, clove cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff chew packets, and e-cigarettes
EC 48900 (i): Committing an obscene act or engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity
EC 48900 (j): Having unlawful possession of, or unlawfully offering, arranging, or negotiating to sell any drug paraphernalia
EC 48900 (k): Disruption of school activities or willfully defying the valid authority of school personnel
EC 48900 (l): Knowingly receiving stolen school property of private property
EC 48900 (m): Possession of an imitation firearm
EC 48900 (n): Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or committing sexual battery
EC 48900 (o):Harassing, threatening, or intimidating a student who is a witness or complaining witness in a school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of either preventing that student from being a witness or retaliating against that student or both
EC 48900.2: Making unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature which has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact of the individual’s academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. This section does not apply to students in grades K-3
EC 48900.4: Engaging in harassment, threats, or intimidation directed against a pupil or group of pupils, that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to have the actual and reasonable expected effect or materially disrupting classwork, creating substantial disorder, and invading the rights of that pupil or group of pupils by creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment (grades 4-12)
Mandatory Expulsion Policy
Students who commit any of the following acts at school or at a school activity off school grounds shall be recommended for expulsion from the Tustin Unified School District [Education Code 48915 (a)-(c)]:
Causing serious physical injury
Possession of a knife or any other dangerous object
Possessing, selling, or furnishing any firearm,
Robbery or extortion
Assault or battery
Brandishing a knife at another person
Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or battery
Unlawfully selling a controlled substance
Education Code 48915 (b) states that students may be recommended for expulsion for repeated offenses when:
Other means of correction are not feasible or have repeatedly failed to bring about proper conduct OR
Due to the nature of the act, the presence of a pupil causes a continuing danger to physical safety of the pupil or others.
TUSD Wellness Policy
Local wellness policies are an important tool for parents and school districts in promoting student wellness, preventing and reducing childhood obesity, and providing assurance that school meal nutrition guidelines meet the minimum federal school meal standards. Please read the TUSD Wellness Policy for more information.
- Parking Lot Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures
- Utt Parent Engagement Policy 2023-2024
- Report Student Absence
- TUSD Portal FAQ
- School of Choice Student Transfer
Parking Lot Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures
Browning Avenue Procedures - Drop-off/Pick-Up
- All vehicles must follow posted road/traffic signs.
- U-turns are not allowed on Browning Avenue.
- No stopping signs are clearly posted for the red curbs. Please note that this does not mean a quick drop-off or pick-up; this means NO STOPPING AT ANY TIME. Vehicles may not stop for any reason in front of the school along Browning Avenue. Tustin Police will ticket in this area.
- Please refrain from crossing Browning Avenue. The cross-walk at Bryan Ave or the one at Parkview Way should be used at all times.
Morning Drop-off Procedures - Parking Lot
- Enter in the "Enter Only" portion of the lot near the Activities Center on the corner of Bryan and Browning.
- Two lanes are designated for parent use:
- Lane 1 is the lane nearest Browning Avenue and the first lane when you enter the parking lot. Vehicles using this lane will be required to turn left onto Browning Avenue when exiting the parking lot.
- Lane 3 is the lane nearest the school. Students should only be dropped off curbside by exiting the right side of the vehicle. DO NOT drop them off in the middle of a lane to walk through traffic. Please also note that a certain portion of this area is for bus loading/unloading only. Please be respectful of the buses as they are bringing students to the school every morning.
- Lane 2 is the middle lane of the three in the parking lot. This lane is not for parent use; except for handicapped parking only. This lane is to be used for staff parking only.
- Much of our parking lot is painted with red curbs and is reserved for emergency vehicles only. Do not leave your vehicle unattended as Tustin Police may ticket your vehicle. If you need to park, please do so in a marked stall or on Browning Avenue.
Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures - Parking Lot
- Enter in the "Enter Only" portion of the lot near the Activities Center on the corner of Bryan and Browning.
- Two lanes are designated for parent use:
- Lane 1 is the lane nearest Browning Ave and the first lane when you enter the parking lot. Vehicles using this lane will be required to turn left on to Browning Ave when exiting the parking lot. Parents waiting in vehicles for their child may do so if space is available.
- Lane 3 is the lane nearest the school. This lane can fit three cars wide in some areas. The middle area should always be used as a drive-thru lane. DO NOT PICK-UP in this middle lane. Portions of the curbside area are reserved for bus loading/unloading only. Do not stop in these areas before 2:30 PM.
- Lane 2 is the middle lane of the three in the parking lot. This lane is not for parent use; except for handicapped parking only. This lane is to be used for staff parking only. DO NOT wait in this lane to pick up your child.
- Much of our parking lot is painted with red curbs and is reserved for emergency vehicles only. Do not leave your vehicle unattended as Tustin Police may ticket your vehicle. If you need to park, please do so in a marked stall or on Browning Avenue.
- Students have many ways to exit campus. Those looking to walk on the Browning Avenue sidewalk towards the Activities Center will be asked to use the sidewalk entrance near the Activities Center.
Utt Parent Engagement Policy 2023-2024
Report Student Absence
If your student is absent from school, please call the attendance line at (714) 730-7573 ext. 84102. Leave a message including your name, your child's first and last name, and the date and reason for the absence. You must call each day your child is absent. You can also report an absence by completing a Student Absence Form online. It is important that notification be given to the school as soon as possible. All absences that are not cleared within 3 days will be marked as a cut on the student's attendance record.
Important Notices
Please review this document before contacting support center or school site as it addresses most of the requests we receive.
- We recommend using the CHROME browser (regardless of device) to access the TUSD Portal. It has the fewest reported issues regarding certificates, cookies, server errors, and confirmations for online enrollment and parent data confirmations.
- We also recommend not using an AOL email account as Tustin is often black listed by AOL.COM. You will not receive emails from Tustin when that happens.
- We do not recommend using a small mobile device for completing the Parent Data Confirmation screens or performing student re-registration.
To Receive a Portal Account
Portal accounts are automatically generated when an email is associated with the student’s record. This is done for both student and parent portal accounts. Please contact your school office staff and give them the email you wish to use as your portal account login. Make sure it is the same one you have used for any other children you have enrolled in our district.
To Add Additional Student(s) to Your Existing Parent Account
- Please contact the school and request the email is the same for each of your students under the Parent’s email. This will automatically link the students in our system under the one account.
- For both Parents to have access to each student, one of the parents' email address needs to be the same under the Contacts for each of their students.
To Change Email Associated with Account
Login with your current portal email and click Options, Change Email.
Requesting Changes to Information Displayed in Portal
We are working on allowing more modifications to the information displayed in the Portal. Meanwhile, if the system doesn’t accept the data changes you require, please submit requests to your student’s school office staff. For security purposes, Portal Help doesn't make changes to your student's data and will be unable to process those requests.
** Please note: Only Parents can change portal email addresses, students must use their mytusd.org accounts. **
Adding/Modifying Contact Information
Changing or adding contact information for your student is available through the Data Confirmation menu option (not the Contacts option). For further instructions on updating information, please see the Online Re-registration instructions.
Deletion of Account Requests
You may request the removal of a Portal Account if:
- You are the parent/guardian of student on record, AND
- The account to be removed is not another parent/guardian.
Certificate Errors
Please see this document if you are running Safari on a MAC and are experiencing certificate/server errors. However, the recommendation is to use a different browser like Chrome of FireFox.
School of Choice Student Transfer
Please visit the TUSD Transfers page on the Tustin Unified School District website for more information on the 2022-23 interdistrict and intradistrict transfers. 2022-23 School Year transfer applications will be available in January 2022. Please check back in December 2021 for updates.